More About Faucets
What is a "faucet"?
A faucet is a tiny app that gives you something for doing something. Mostly, you just have to enter some letters to prove that you are human (so called Captcha). If you entered the correct Captcha, you get a small amount of a Crypto- Currency.
What is a "Crypto- Currency"?
If you are familiar with Bitcoin, you know what it is. Bitcoin is a kind of Crypto- Currency. There are many other Crypto- Currencies, e.g. Litecoin, Dogecoin, Captcoin, ...
A Crypto- Currency (or "Crypto Coin" or sometimes just "Coin") is a currency that is created and secured by mathematical calculations. Currently, there are thousands of various Crypto- Currencies, but the first and most popular is called Bitcoin. See the following movie for more information:
What is Bitcoin?
What to do with those Coins?
There are many things you can do. Using a trading website (see Menu -> Trading), you can exchange your Coins into Bitcoins. Bitcoins can be exchanged into your local currency, for example Dollars or Euros. But you can also purchase things and services with your Coins. Just use any search engine and will find many information!
They dont pay you for free. They get paid by ads as you are getting paid. It's only with enough of the faucets and referrals that you can earn enough online. These 2 things are the key.
Here are 2 more free faucet sites where you can earn :